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Debborah Harp, CFRE
Debborah Harp is the VP of Strategy and Business Development for Beeline and Blue, one of largest commercial printing companies in the Midwest.
She has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Iowa and is a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE). She has years of experience in fundraising, marketing/communications, and operations management at national medical associations and educational institutions.
Earlier in her career, Ms. Harp worked in television production and corporate communications as a writer, producer, and director.
She has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Iowa and is a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE). She has years of experience in fundraising, marketing/communications, and operations management at national medical associations and educational institutions.
Earlier in her career, Ms. Harp worked in television production and corporate communications as a writer, producer, and director.
Debborah Harp, CFRE
VP of Strategy and Business Development
- Phone: (515) 244-1611
- Cell Phone: (515) 601-0514
- Send an Email
- 2507 Ingersoll Avenue Des Moines IA 50312