2022-2023 WDM Leadership Academy Class

Jasmina Alicic
West Bank
Brandon Bennett
Security National Bank, VP Relationship Manager II
Jonny Bosworth
R&R Realty Group
Ryan Bratvold
BrownWinick Law Firm, Business Development Manager
Andy Bretz
Spindustry, Business Development Manager
Danielle Burmeister
Homesteaders Life Co., Director of Marketing Communications
Shad Clayton
Oakridge Neighborhood Services
Brandon Elbert
MHCS, Senior Accountant
Anthony Giampolo
West Des Moines Police Department
Kinzy Gillespie
Navigate Wellbeing Solutions, Brand Experience Specialist
Stacie Glienke
Hubbell Realty Company
Haley Gutschenritter
Merkle Retirement Planning, Servicing Retirement Planner
Ben Hall
Pratum, vCISO / Senior Information Security Consultant
Daniel Herting
Herting Law, PLLC, Managing Partner
Madi Jantsch
Express Employment Professionals, Owner
Britton Klomstad
SVN | CREATE, Associate Advisor
Erin Knupp
Boyd Jones, Director of Business Development
Katie Koch
American Equity Life Insurance Company
Dan Lengeling
Merchants Bonding Company
Mia Mata
Thomas McCaffrey
Gilbert & Cook, Inc.
Laine Buck
West Des Moines Community Schools, Director of School-Community Relations
Ryan Moon
Greater Des Moines Partnership
James Moore
Shive-Hattery, Inc.
Jarret Mulholland
First National Bank, VP - Commercial Lender
Joel Peiffer
IMT Insurance
Jen Peppenger
Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company
Rudy Pineda
Fort Wiskey
Trey Rice
ServiceMaster by Rice, Business Development
Shawna Rolph
City of West Des Moines
Jessica Rotole
Whitfield & Eddy Law
Meghan Sanchez
Carrier Access, Inc.
Allicia Sebastinelli
Brokers International
Nicki Teel
Sammons Financial Group
Jazz Turner
Bankers Trust Company

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