Explore WDM

Bobbie Areges
Legacy Bridge Private Family Offices, Executive Assistant
Sarah Borchers
ITA Group
Laine Buck
West Des Moines Community Schools, Director of School-Community Relations
Anna Eichinger
West Des Moines Chamber of Commerce, Senior Director of Membership & Strategic Partnerships
Tom Florian
West Des Moines Chamber of Commerce, Vice President of Membership & Strategic Marketing
Work: An experienced marketer successfully connecting and building relationships with others to help them and their businesses GROW!Life: A husband...
Kinzy Gillespie
Navigate Wellbeing Solutions, Brand Experience Specialist
Stacie Glienke
Hubbell Realty Company
Frank Hanson
Frank Hanson - Iowa Realty, Broker Associate
First time buyer, Experienced homeowner, City living, Acreage lover, Investment buyer...... Frank can help! Frank Hanson has been a member of the r...
Katherine Harrington
West Des Moines Chamber of Commerce, President & CEO
Britton Klomstad
SVN | CREATE, Associate Advisor
Natalie Lyons
Natalie Lyons, Realtor- Realty ONE Group Impact, Realtor
Kara Matheson
West Des Moines Chamber of Commerce, VP of Workforce Development & Culture
Jessica McCombs
AgencyBloc, Sales Enablement
Everett Mullican
West Des Moines Chamber of Commerce, Marketing & Communications Coordinator
Meredith Murphy
West Des Moines Chamber of Commerce, Talent Attraction Manager
Ryan Penning
City of West Des Moines
Tiffany Piper
West Des Moines Chamber of Commerce, Events & Experiences Coordinator
Anne Salem
Jodie Weeks
City of West Des Moines, Recreation Supervisor--Nature Lodge

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